How LEWMO is leading the way to a circular economy in Kenya

Luckysummer Environment and Waste Management Organization (LEWMO) is a group of 11 youth groups that came together in 2017 to tackle the problem of solid waste management in Luckysummer ward, Nairobi. LEWMO collects, sorts, and recycles waste from households, businesses, and institutions, and converts it into useful products such as compost, briquettes, and crafts. LEWMO also creates green spaces and educates the community on environmental issues.

LEWMO's vision is to create a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment for the residents of Luckysummer and beyond. LEWMO's mission is to empower the youth and women through waste management and environmental conservation. LEWMO's motto is "Transforming waste into wealth".

LEWMO has achieved remarkable success in its four years of operation. Some of its achievements include:

  • Collecting and recycling over 1,000 tons of waste per year, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and dumpsites.
  • Creating over 100 jobs and income opportunities for the youth and women, especially those from vulnerable backgrounds.
  • Producing and selling over 50,000 kg of organic compost per year, improving soil fertility and crop production for farmers.
  • Producing and selling over 20,000 kg of briquettes per year, providing a cheaper and cleaner alternative to charcoal and firewood for cooking and heating.
  • Producing and selling over 10,000 pieces of crafts per year, such as baskets, mats, bags, and jewelry, made from recycled materials such as plastic, paper, and fabric.
  • Creating and maintaining over 20 green spaces in Luckysummer, such as parks, gardens, and playgrounds, where children can play and people can relax and enjoy nature.
  • Educating over 5,000 people per year on environmental issues, such as waste management, climate change, and renewable energy, through workshops, campaigns, and exhibitions.

LEWMO has also received recognition and support from various stakeholders, such as the government, the private sector, and the civil society. Some of the awards and partnerships that LEWMO has received include:

  • The Green Award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 2019, for its outstanding contribution to environmental conservation and sustainable development.
  • The Youth Empowerment Award from the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2020, for its exemplary role in creating jobs and income for the youth and women.
  • The Innovation Award from the Kenya Association of Manufacturers in 2021, for its creative and effective use of waste as a resource and a raw material.
  • The Partnership Agreement with the Nairobi City County Government in 2021, to expand its waste collection and recycling services to other wards in the city.
  • The Grant from the United Nations Development Programme in 2022, to scale up its production and marketing of compost, briquettes, and crafts.
  • The Membership of the Global Alliance for Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency in 2023, to share its best practices and learn from other organizations around the world.

LEWMO is a shining example of how waste management can be a source of wealth creation, environmental protection, and social empowerment. LEWMO is a benchmark for other youth groups and communities in Kenya and beyond, who want to transform their waste into wealth and make a positive difference in the world.

Circular economy initiative to reduce waste and pollution in Nairobi

On July 14, 2023, LEWMO launched a new initiative to adopt a circular economy model, which aims to eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials, and regenerate nature. The circular economy is an alternative to the traditional linear economy, where resources are taken, made into products, consumed, and thrown away. This way of living uses up finite raw materials and produces vast quantities of waste and emissions. For example, the European Union produces more than 2.5 billion tonnes of waste a year. ²

LEWMO's initiative, called Zero Waste to Nairobi River Basin, seeks to address the problem of waste and pollution in the Nairobi River Basin tributaries, which pass through the informal settlements and the surrounding estates in Luckysummer ward. These areas are the least served by the city's waste collection and disposal system, and most of the waste ends up in the rivers, streets, open spaces, and dumpsites. Only 50% of the about 18 tons of solid waste generated daily in Luckysummer ward is collected and transported to the main city dumpsite, which is less than 3 kilometers away. ³

The Zero Waste to Nairobi River Basin campaign involves four main steps:

  • Collecting and sorting waste from various sources, such as households, businesses, and institutions, and diverting it from landfills and dumpsites.
  • Recycling and transforming waste into valuable products, such as compost, briquettes, and crafts, using innovative technologies and techniques.
  • Creating and maintaining green spaces, such as parks, gardens, and playgrounds, where natural resources are conserved and restored, and where people can enjoy the benefits of nature.
  • Educating and engaging the community on the benefits and practices of the circular economy, such as reducing, reusing, and repairing products, and adopting sustainable lifestyles.

The campaign also involves collaboration with other stakeholders, such as the government, the private sector, and the civil society, to create an enabling environment for the circular economy transition. Some of the awards and partnerships that LEWMO has received include:

  •  The Green Award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 2019, for its outstanding contribution to environmental conservation and sustainable development.
  • The Youth Empowerment Award from the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2020, for its exemplary role in creating jobs and income for the youth and women.
  • The Innovation Award from the Kenya Association of Manufacturers in 2021, for its creative and effective use of waste as a resource and a raw material.
  • The Partnership Agreement with the Nairobi City County Government in 2021, to expand its waste collection and recycling services to other wards in the city.
  • The Grant from the United Nations Development Programme in 2022, to scale up its production and marketing of compost, briquettes, and crafts.
  • he Membership of the Global Alliance for Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency in 2023, to share its best practices and learn from other organizations around the world. ¹

The campaign has multiple benefits for the environment, the economy, and the society. Some of these benefits include:

  • Reducing the environmental impact of waste and pollution, such as greenhouse gas emissions, soil degradation, water contamination, and biodiversity loss.
  • Saving and generating resources, such as raw materials, energy, water, and land, and reducing the dependency on imports and external markets.
  •  Creating and enhancing jobs and income opportunities, especially for the youth and women, and improving their skills and capacities.
  • Improving the health and well-being of the people, by providing cleaner and safer living conditions, and by increasing their access to green and recreational spaces.
  • Fostering social inclusion and cohesion, by involving and empowering the community in the decision-making and implementation of the circular economy initiatives, and by creating a sense of ownership and pride.

LEWMO's initiative is a shining example of how the circular economy can benefit people, planet, and profit. LEWMO is a benchmark for other youth groups and communities in Kenya and beyond, who want to transform their waste into wealth and make a positive difference in the world. LEWMO's initiative is also aligned with the national and global agendas, such as the Kenya Vision 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Paris Agreement on climate change. ²³⁴

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