EcoWorld Watamu:

A beacon of Environmental conservation at the Coast

EcoWorld Watamu is Kenya’s answer to recycling waste, promoting health, and community wealth. Located in the picturesque coastal town of Watamu, this organization plays a crucial role in safeguarding the marine environment and its delicate ecosystems.

The Threat: Non-Biodegradable Waste

Non-biodegradable waste, in the form of marine debris, pollutes our Marine Park beaches and threatens vulnerable marine life. Plastic bags and materials are ingested by endangered sea turtles, who mistake them for jellyfish – a natural part of their diet. Tragically, these turtles eventually die due to internal problems and starvation caused by blocked guts. Plastics also find their way into the bellies of cetaceans (dolphins and whales), disrupting their health and well-being.

Moreover, plastics smother corals and other marine creatures living on the sea bed, inhibiting their ability to breathe and feed. This loss of health can lead to death, further impacting the delicate balance of coastal ecosystems.

EcoWorld’s Impact

  1. Recycling and Waste Management: EcoWorld actively promotes recycling and waste reduction. By educating the local community and implementing recycling programs, they reduce the amount of plastic waste entering the marine environment.
  2. Beach Cleanups: Regular beach cleanups organized by EcoWorld help remove debris from the shores, preventing it from reaching the ocean. Volunteers, schoolchildren, and tourists come together to make a tangible difference.
  3. Education and Awareness: EcoWorld conducts workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns to educate people about the importance of coastal ecosystems. By fostering a sense of responsibility, they inspire action.
  4. Turtle Rehabilitation: When injured or sick sea turtles are found, EcoWorld provides rehabilitation and medical care. Their efforts contribute to the survival of these magnificent creatures.
  5. Community Engagement: EcoWorld collaborates with local communities, empowering them to take ownership of their environment. By involving fishermen, youth, and women, they create a network of conservation champions.


EcoWorld Watamu exemplifies how grassroots efforts can make a significant impact. Through their tireless work, they protect our coastal ecosystems, ensuring a healthier planet for generations to come. Let’s celebrate their dedication and join hands in preserving our beautiful Earth. 🌿🌏

Learn more about EcoWorld Watamu on their official website. 📸🌊

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